2 044 377 € raised

Why does your support matter so much?

Every kid cancer is a rare disease.
There are about 16 main types of paediatric cancers (leukaemia, brain and spinal cord tumours, neuroblastoma, lymphoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, osteosarcoma…). Each of those is divided into several sub-groups. In total, it adds up to about 60 different paediatric malignancies. Each of them requires a specific scientific attention.

Elisabeth, Annelore, Margot en Jan

Elisabeth, Annelore, Margot en Jan

Raised 7 530 €
Mom of Julius 🌞

Mom of Julius 🌞

Raised 7 346 €
I run + you donate = we kick !

I run + you donate = we kick !

Raised 7 124 €
Wind of change

Wind of change

Raised 7 027 €
Bob voor Hannah

Bob voor Hannah

Raised 7 008 €


Raised 6 976 €
YES WE KICK!!!💪🏻❤️

YES WE KICK!!!💪🏻❤️

Raised 6 950 €
Chris et Mathieu contre le cancer

Chris et Mathieu contre le cancer

Raised 6 269 €
Laura, maman de Juju

Laura, maman de Juju

Raised 5 750 €


Raised 5 401 €
Birthday Boy

Birthday Boy

Raised 5 030 €
Aline, marraine de Super Juju💪💕

Aline, marraine de Super Juju💪💕

Raised 4 733 €
Tom - Run for Mia & Camille

Tom - Run for Mia & Camille

Raised 4 722 €
The Goffs against cancer

The Goffs against cancer

Raised 4 716 €
Patrick, Tati patou, tonton de Juju

Patrick, Tati patou, tonton de Juju

Raised 4 665 €
Mathieu (& Rux & Ella) - for Mia & Camille & Rosalie

Mathieu (& Rux & Ella) - for Mia & Ca...

Raised 4 628 €

Don't hesitate to contact us