Ma Course !

by Léon Dannöhl

Ready to Run
Ma Course !
1 381€ raised

Novembre 2023: un peu plus de trois ans après le premier diagnostic de ma leucémie, moi, Léon (et mes proches) avait recommencé à vivre un quotidien à peu près normal, laissant derrière nous les moments difficiles de sa maladie.
Malheureusement, le réveil a été brutal : le cancer est revenu. Et avec lui, à nouveau les gros soucis, les longs séjours à l'hôpital, les espoirs et les craintes, les pensées de vie et de mort, la chimiothérapie, un choc septique presque mortel avec un séjour de plusieurs semaines aux soins intensifs, un traitement dont on ne voit pas la fin...
Cette année encore, nous faisons appel à votre soutien, en tant que membre de notre équipe, par un don financier, afin de continuer à faire progresser la recherche, et de pouvoir, nous l'espérons, un jour guérir tous les enfants du cancer. Merci pour elles et eux!

November 2023, just over three years after I was first diagnosed with leukaemia: I, Léon, and my loved ones with me, had started living a normal life again, leaving behind the difficult moments of my first illness.
But unfortunately, I was in for a rude awakening: the cancer returned. And with it, once again, the big worries, the long stays in hospital, the hopes and fears, the thoughts of life and death, the chemotherapy, the near-fatal septic shock with stay of several weeks in intensive care, the treatment with no end in sight...
Once again this year, we are appealing for your support - as a member of our team, through a financial donation - so that we can continue to make progress and hopefully one day be able to cure all children of cancer. Thank you for them!

November 2023, etwas mehr als drei Jahre nach der ersten Diagnose meiner Leukämie: ich, Léon, und meine Liebsten mit mir, hatten wieder begonnen einen normalen Alltag zu leben und die schweren Zeiten meiner ersten Erkrankung hinter uns zu lassen.
Doch leider kam das böse Erwachen: Der Krebs war wieder da. Und damit wieder die großen Sorgen, die langen Krankenhausaufenthalte, das Hoffen und Bangen, die Gedanken an Leben und Tod, die Chemotherapie, ein fast tödlicher septischer Schock mit wochenlangem Aufenthalt auf der Intensivstation, eine Behandlung, deren Ende nicht abzusehen ist ...
Auch in diesem Jahr bitten wir Euch um Eure Unterstützung - als Mitglied unseres Teams oder durch eine finanzielle Spende - damit wir weiter Fortschritte machen und hoffentlich eines Tages alle Kinder von Krebs heilen können. Danke für die Kinder!

— Léon

We have a mission. A beautiful mission. We want to cure every child with cancer.

Find new treatments, improve existing ones, and kick children’s cancer to send it far, far away forever and may it never come back! We therefore financially support scientific research, and bring together the drive, inspiration and knowledge of everyone involved. From researchers, doctors and parents to politicians and pharmaceutical companies. Only a joint effort can ensure that children with cancer are cured and better cured.

Thanks to our generous sponsors, 100% of the funds raised by you will finance innovative research projects selected thanks to the European FIGHT KIDS CANCER initiative.

FIGHT KIDS CANCER is a European call for projects that we launched together with Imaginefor Margo (France) and Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner (Luxembourg).

Our second FIGHT KIDS CANCER call for projects lead to the selection, by independent international experts, of 5 new innovative research projects of European scope for a total amount of 3,45 million euros of which KickCancer will finance 800 000 €. Through these projects, we hope to foster improvements in the knowledge and treatment of the following diseases: B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (clinical trial), ewing's sarcomas (clinical trial), medulloblastomas (translational project), neuroblastomas (2 translational projects).

There is ONE EXTRA project we would love to tell you more about… but we need to raise more funds than initially planned. Are you in to help us reach one million euros to fund this mystery project?

Donations (113)

113 magic donors are supporting "Ma Course !"
5.89 €
Tobias has given 100 € to La Course de Léon !  —  4 months ago
2.95 €
Ntinalexi has given 50 € to La Course de Léon !  —  5 months ago
2.95 €
Andrea has given 50 € to La Course de Léon !  —  5 months ago
2.95 €
MJ has given 50 € to La Course de Léon !  —  5 months ago
3.24 €
Klaus has given 55 € to La Course de Léon !  —  5 months ago

Voila ;-) it was a real pleasure! See you next year!!!

2.95 €
Malte has given 50 € to La Course de Léon !  —  5 months ago

With lots of wishes of positive energy!

2.95 €
Tina has given 50 € to La Course de Léon !  —  5 months ago

Toi toi toi

11.77 €
Simone has given 200 € to La Course de Léon !  —  5 months ago
11.77 €
Julio has given 200 € to La Course de Léon !  —  5 months ago

Bonne chance et bonne courage Léon!

2.95 €
Anne has given 50 € to La Course de Léon !  —  5 months ago

go le warrior et sa family ! pensées pour vous biz

5.89 €
Carsten has given 100 € to La Course de Léon !  —  5 months ago

La famille 🥰😘

1.18 €
Anka has given 20 € to La Course de Léon !  —  5 months ago
2.95 €
Martin has given 50 € to La Course de Léon !  —  5 months ago
25 €
Sebastian  —  5 months ago

Plein de courage et de force dans ta course, Léon !

5.89 €
Renée has given 100 € to La Course de Léon !  —  5 months ago