Last year Team Astor collected an impressive amount to help the research against childhood cancer. This year we will participate again and make it a tradition to honor Astor and his fight against cancer on this event.
This is Astor's story
Little Astor was born on a sunny Sunday afternoon in July, after an uneventful pregnancy. We wondered if he would be born under the sign of cancer or that of the lion. He came one day before due date ... and happened to be a little lion with cancer: a rare form of acute myeloid leukemia. We were scared but also convinced that our little lion would fight and survive ...
Astor was lucky to be born in Belgium and treated in one of the best hospitals for childhood cancer in Europe. But chemotherapy has proved very toxic and destructive for a small baby like Astor. A treatment developed for adults adapted to the weight of a newborn. Astor's fragile immune system was destroyed. He really fought like a lion and overcame some very serious complications in an almost miraculous way. But after 5 months, Astor lost his unfair battle and we had to let him go.
In a few decades, we will probably talk about chemotherapy as a treatment of the past. Science is evolving at a rapid pace and better solutions are emerging but unfortunately, there is not enough innovation for childhood cancer. That has to change !
During his short life, Astor was a real catalyst of energy, friendship and love. We want to gather this energy again with our family and friends, together we want to build a team with lots of supporters to remember Astor and to help cure children's cancer better!
Forever in our <3 little lion ?