by Sacha Rifflart
Cette année, moi aussi je cours ! Après avoir travaillé avec l'équipe de KickCancer pour la fin de mes études, j'ai été convaincu de l'importance de telles associations et j'ai pris goût à ce magnifique projet (autant qu'un Sacha dans un restaurant chinois ;).
KickCancer permet aux jeunes de continuer à se battre, en récoltant des milliers d'euros ! Pour cette seconde édition, ne lambinons pas, montrons que la science vaincra ! Saviez-vous que chaque cancer pédiatrique est un cancer rare ? Alors à quoi bon donner de vieux médicaments... Les cellules de recherche en oncologie pédiatrique ont un besoin financier urgent (sinon ce serait trop beau vous me direz...). Si nous sommes capables de se mobiliser pour l'environnement, ça ne devrait pas être aussi dure de le faire pour que ces jeunes puissent aussi voir le changement !
Alors cette année, moi aussi je me bouge et je collecte !!! Pour donner une chance à tous ces petits guerriers d'avoir des médicaments jeunes comme eux, pour qu'ils puissent manger plein de dim sum et de nouilles, et pour que ces jeunes et leur famille gardent cette joie de vivre que nous avons tous !
Parce qu'il faut donner un sens à cette maladie, collectons et donnons leur l'opportunité de goûter à la vie, aux nouilles et aux raviolis chinois !
N'hésitez pas à faire un don !! Inscrivez-vous, collectez et venez courir avec moi le dimanche 29 septembre 2019 !
This year, I'm running too! After having worked with the KickCancer team for the end of my studies, I was convinced of the importance of such associations and I became interested in this magnificent project (as much as a Sacha in a Chinese restaurant, you know me ;).
KickCancer allows young people to continue to fight, raising thousands of euros! For this second edition, let's not be lazy, let's show that science will win! The research cannot be done by itself, we have to help them financially (otherwise it would be too beautiful you will tell me...). If we are able to mobilize for the environment, it shouldn't be so hard to do so for these young to see the change!
So this year, I am running and collecting as well ! To give all these little warriors a chance to have young medicines like them, so that they can eat lots of dim sum and noodles, so that these young people and their families can keep the "joie de vivre" that we all have!
Because we must give meaning to this disease, let's collect and give them the opportunity to taste life, noodles and Chinese raviolis !
Feel free to make a donation! Register, collect and come run with me on Sunday, September 29, 2019!
— Sacha
We have a mission. A beautiful mission. We want to cure every child with cancer.
Find new treatments, improve existing ones, and kick children’s cancer to send it far, far away forever and may it never come back!
We therefore financially support scientific research, and bring together the drive, inspiration and knowledge of everyone involved. From researchers, doctors and parents to politicians and pharmaceutical companies.
Only a joint effort can ensure that children with cancer are cured and better cured.
Today, research is often funded at a national level or through networks. We want to do better. We indeed believe that the most promising projects, wherever they originate from, should be selected and financed. We simply want to find the best projects.
This is why KickCancer is going to launch shortly an open European call for research projects. For such a tender to be successful, we have to mobilise a significant amount of funds in order to make sure that the best (academic) research teams are motivated to participate.
Your donation will help increase the amount from KickCancer in that call. This call for project will be launched in the course of 2019 and we hope that it will raise the ambition of European researchers to a new exciting level in the field of paediatric oncology.
Soutien moral et symbolique !!
T'es un champion Sacha
Super projet on te soutient , Run Run Run Sacha
Une très chouette initiative !