
by Mireille Fronville

395€ raised

Je cours 5 km en apportant, grâce à vos dons, 200 € à Run to Kick (lutte contre les cancers pédiatriques). Aidons la recherche pour que plus aucun enfant ne vive le même calvaire que Kassiopée... pour que plus aucune famille ne vive ce drame.

— Mireille

We have a mission. A beautiful mission. We want to cure every child with cancer.

Find new treatments, improve existing ones, and kick children’s cancer to send it far, far away forever and may it never come back!

We therefore financially support scientific research, and bring together the drive, inspiration and knowledge of everyone involved. From researchers, doctors and parents to politicians and pharmaceutical companies.

Only a joint effort can ensure that children with cancer are cured and better cured.

Today, research is often funded at a national level or through networks. We want to do better. We indeed believe that the most promising projects, wherever they originate from, should be selected and financed. We simply want to find the best projects.

This is why KickCancer is going to launch shortly an open European call for research projects. For such a tender to be successful, we have to mobilise a significant amount of funds in order to make sure that the best (academic) research teams are motivated to participate.

Your donation will help increase the amount from KickCancer in that call. This call for project will be launched in the course of 2019 and we hope that it will raise the ambition of European researchers to a new exciting level in the field of paediatric oncology.

Donations (17)

17 magic donors are supporting "Mimi"
7.5 €
Odyka sprl has given 300 € to L'armée de Kassiopée et Enzo  —  5 years ago

Tant d'amour et de soutien! Continuons le combat pour donner espoir et sourire aux enfants et à leurs proches! N'oubliez pas de regarder vers les étoiles ?❤ on vous aime... infiniment!⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

1.5 €
Patricia has given 60 € to L'armée de Kassiopée et Enzo  —  5 years ago
10 €
Christelle  —  5 years ago
10 €
Mireille  —  5 years ago

Guy Wautelet

0.62 €
JEAN POL has given 25 € to L'armée de Kassiopée et Enzo  —  5 years ago

reçu après virement de Somzéens

1.5 €
Sandy has given 60 € to L'armée de Kassiopée et Enzo  —  5 years ago
5 €
Marc-Olivier has given 200 € to L'armée de Kassiopée et Enzo  —  5 years ago
20 €
Sylvie  —  5 years ago

Bonne chance et courage!!!

20 €
Isabelle  —  5 years ago

Belle action. Courage à vous

18.75 €
JEAN POL has given 750 € to L'armée de Kassiopée et Enzo  —  5 years ago

les gens de Somzée sont à fond derrière vous pour botter le cul aux cancers.

40 €
Rémi  —  5 years ago

Bisous ma biche!

60 €
Denis  —  5 years ago
40 €
Tiffany  —  5 years ago

Ça y est vous les avez déjà ! Prête à courir alors ! ?? ? ?

10 €
Maryse  —  5 years ago

Félicitations pour ton courage Mireille. Maryse.

60 €
Claire  —  5 years ago