by Michel Knepper
Léif alleguerten,
Meng Rees op den MIPIM op Cannes wäert ech dëst Joer am Mäerz hin an z'réck mat dem Vëlo machen an domat meng Empreinte Carbone miniméieren. Am selwechten Kontext ënnerstëtzen ech mat dem Recycle Club vun Bréissel Kick Cancer / Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner. Ech wier frou wann der mäin Effort mat engem Don un d'Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner géift ënnerstëtzen.
Merci am viraus fir Är Generositéit
Chères amies, chers amis,
J'ai décidé de faire cette année mon déplacement au MIPIM à Cannes avec l'objectif de minimiser mon empreinte carbone. Afin d'y arriver j'ai choisi de faire les deux trajets aller/retour en vélo. Dans ce contexte et ensemble avec le Recycle Club de Bruxelles nous soutenons l'action kick cancer / Fondation Kriibskrank Kanner. Je serai ravi si vous supporteriez mon effort avec un don à la fondation.
d'avance merci pour votre générosité
— Michel
Our vision is to cure all children and adolescents with cancer through the development of better targeted and less toxic therapies. As member of Fight Kids Cancer, the mission of KickCancer and Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner is be to catalyse and accelerate European research that results in innovative and impactful new therapies that improve the outcome for all children and adolescents with cancer.
Your gift will finance a research project selected in compliance with strict appraisal rules or our advocacy and awareness activities which aim at sustainably fixing the system, so that paediatric cancer no longer be left behind the innovation train.
Our research projects are innovative and European. They are selected in the framework of the FIGH KIDS CANCER European call for projects, about which you will find more information on
Our advocacy and awareness activities are equally important. They aim at ensuring that pharmaceutical companies be mandated or incentivised to finance more research against paediatric cancers, that governments finance more research infrastructure and that other NGOs involved in the field of cancer take their part in the fight against paediatric cancers.
Mega super Misch
Flott Initiative Michel
Bravo Michel 👏
Congratulations to you for this fantastic and supportive initiative - have a safe trip to Cannes !
Good luck🍀🍀🍀🍀💪
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