La Course de Léon - courue par Bérénice !

by Bérénice Dannöhl

Ready to Run
La Course de Léon - courue par Bérénice !
262€ raised

Il y a trois ans, le 29 août 2020, nous avons appris que Léon était atteint d'une leucémie. Une nouvelle très choquante, bien sûr, pour nous, ses parents, sa sœur, nos familles et nos ami.e.s.
Les 14 mois qui ont suivi ont été marqués par de longs séjours à l'hôpital, des chimiothérapies, des opérations et d'innombrables médicaments à prendre. Ensuite, il y a eu encore une bonne année pendant laquelle son traitement a été poursuivi en ambulatoire. Et bien sûr, des moments d'espoir et d'angoisse, de joie et de souffrance, d'incertitude et de confiance.
Nous sommes extrêmement reconnaissants et nous avons tellement de chance que Léon aille bien aujourd'hui, qu'il soit de retour à l'école, qu'il puisse revoir ses ami.e.s et que nous puissions à nouveau vivre ensemble un quotidien normal.
Même si la leucémie n'est plus le sujet dominant dans notre famille, tout en attendant la guérison complète d'ici encore 2 ans, nous pensons constamment aux nombreux enfants et à leurs proches qui ne sont malheureusement pas dans cette situation - qui sont en ce moment même à l'hôpital, aux enfants qui n'ont malheureusement pas pu être guéris.
Et c'est pourquoi il est si important de soutenir des initiatives comme RUN TO KICK, afin que la recherche pour des traitements adaptés aux enfants soient trouvés et améliorés, pour que moins d'enfants subissent un tel sort et que plus d'enfants encore puissent être guéris, avec moins d'effets secondaires et moins de séquelles à long terme.

Merci à tous ceux et celles qui liront ces lignes et qui souhaitent se joindre à notre appel en
- faisant un don - même 1 euro compte
- faisant passer ce message et cet appel à leurs familles, ami.e.s. et collègues
- rejoignant notre équipe et la course/marche.
- ayant une pensée pour les enfants
Merci pour eux.elles 💪💕


Three years ago, on 29 August 2020, we learned that Léon had leukaemia. Shocking news, of course, for us, his parents, his sister, our families and our friends.
The 14 months that followed were marked by long stays in hospital, chemotherapy, operations and countless medicines to be taken. Then there was another good year of ambulent treatment. And of course, moments of hope and anguish, joy and suffering, uncertainty and confidence.
We are extremely grateful and so lucky that Léon is well today, that he is back at school, that he can see his friends again and that we can live a normal life together again.
Even though leukaemia is no longer the dominant issue in our family, and we're still 2 years away from a full recovery, we're constantly thinking about the many children and their loved ones who are unfortunately not in this situation - who are in hospital right now, the children who unfortunately could not be cured.
And that's why it's so important to support initiatives like RUN TO KICK, so that research into treatments suitable for children can be found and improved, so that fewer children suffer such a fate and so that even more children can be cured, with fewer side-effects and fewer long-term after-effects.

Thank you to everyone reading this who would like to join our appeal by
- making a donation - even 1 euro counts
- passing on this message and this appeal to their families, friends and colleagues
- joining our team and the run/walk.
- thinking of the children
Thank you for them 💪💕

— Bérénice

We have a mission. A beautiful mission. We want to cure every child with cancer.

Find new treatments, improve existing ones, and kick children’s cancer to send it far, far away forever and may it never come back! We therefore financially support scientific research, and bring together the drive, inspiration and knowledge of everyone involved. From researchers, doctors and parents to politicians and pharmaceutical companies. Only a joint effort can ensure that children with cancer are cured and better cured.

Thanks to our generous sponsors, 100% of the funds raised by you will finance innovative research projects selected thanks to the European FIGHT KIDS CANCER initiative.

FIGHT KIDS CANCER is a European call for projects that we launched together with Imaginefor Margo (France) and Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner (Luxembourg).

Our second FIGHT KIDS CANCER call for projects lead to the selection, by independent international experts, of 5 new innovative research projects of European scope for a total amount of 3,45 million euros of which KickCancer will finance 800 000 €. Through these projects, we hope to foster improvements in the knowledge and treatment of the following diseases: B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (clinical trial), ewing's sarcomas (clinical trial), medulloblastomas (translational project), neuroblastomas (2 translational projects).

There is ONE EXTRA project we would love to tell you more about… but we need to raise more funds than initially planned. Are you in to help us reach one million euros to fund this mystery project?

Donations (37)

37 magic donors are supporting "La Course de Léon - courue par Bérénice !"
4.17 €
Catini has given 50 € to La Course de Léon !  —  6 months ago
4.17 €
Fazilet has given 50 € to La Course de Léon !  —  6 months ago
4.17 €
Klaus-Dieter has given 50 € to La Course de Léon !  —  6 months ago

Keep kicking it! Great initiative.

3.34 €
Anonymous has given 40 € to La Course de Léon !  —  7 months ago
8.34 €
Agathe has given 100 € to La Course de Léon !  —  7 months ago
4.17 €
Anne has given 50 € to La Course de Léon !  —  7 months ago
4.17 €
Ralf has given 50 € to La Course de Léon !  —  7 months ago
8.34 €
Hendrik has given 100 € to La Course de Léon !  —  7 months ago
8.34 €
Rolf has given 100 € to La Course de Léon !  —  7 months ago
8.34 €
Erik has given 100 € to La Course de Léon !  —  7 months ago
3.34 €
Anonymous has given 40 € to La Course de Léon !  —  7 months ago
4.17 €
Anne has given 50 € to La Course de Léon !  —  7 months ago

Run & kick! Nous célébrons Champion Léon et un clin d'oeil pour beaucoup de courage à notre petite cousine Maïssa dans le sud.

8.34 €
Monica has given 100 € to La Course de Léon !  —  7 months ago

I fully support this cause and pray for all the children and their families fighting against cancer. My mom won the battle. We will win the battle 🙏

16.67 €
Gauthier has given 200 € to La Course de Léon !  —  7 months ago

Auto-encouragement ;-)

8.34 €
Isabelle has given 100 € to La Course de Léon !  —  7 months ago

De tout coeur avec vous et avec tous les coureurs ce dimanche, pour cette cause si importante - Isabelle & Aymeric