En mémoire de Princesse Evelyne

by Anna Tylman

En mémoire de Princesse Evelyne
437€ raised
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  100% safe

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Proszę o wsparcie fundacji Kickcancer - w podziękowaniu za waszą wpłatę wyślę każdemu darczyńcy kopię pdf mojej książki "Anna i Evelyne, historia dwóch żyć".

— Anna

We have a mission. A beautiful mission. We want to cure every child with cancer.

Find new treatments, improve existing ones, and kick children’s cancer to send it far, far away forever and may it never come back!

We therefore financially support scientific research, and bring together the drive, inspiration and knowledge of everyone involved. From researchers, doctors and parents to politicians and pharmaceutical companies.

Only a joint effort can ensure that children with cancer are cured and better cured.

Your gift will finance either a research project selected by KickCancer in compliance with strict appraisal rules or our advocacy and awareness activities which aim at sustainably fixing the system, so that paediatric cancer no longer be left behind the innovation train.

Our research projects are innovative and European. They are selected in the framework of the FIGH KIDS CANCER European call for projects, about which you will find more information here.

Our advocacy and awareness activities are equally important. They aim at ensuring that pharmaceutical companies be mandated or incentivised to finance more research against paediatric cancers, that governments finance more research infrastructure and that other NGOs involved in the field of cancer take their part in the fight against paediatric cancers.

Donations (15)

15 magic donors are supporting "En mémoire de Princesse Evelyne"
20 €
Ania  —  3 years ago
20 €
Anonymous  —  3 years ago


20 €
Marzena  —  3 years ago
20 €
Anonymous  —  3 years ago
20 €
Anonymous  —  3 years ago


15 €
Karolina  —  3 years ago
20 €
Sébastien  —  3 years ago

Ania dla jogi Ani

100 €
Anonymous  —  4 years ago
20 €
Sébastien  —  4 years ago

od Joli

12 €
Magdalena  —  4 years ago
60 €
Patrick  —  4 years ago

En souvenir d'Evelyne et tous les moments magiques passés avec elle.

40 €
Bruno  —  4 years ago
20 €
Ula  —  4 years ago
10 €
Monika  —  4 years ago
40 €
Delphine  —  4 years ago

Continue à briller, étoile Evelyne ?