by Giovanni Gijsels
Plots werden wij uit het niets geconfronteerd met het monster dat kanker is. Onwezenlijk, oneerlijk, onbeschrijfelijk.
Snel leer je dat je niet alleen bent en dit veel meer kinderen treft dan je voor mogelijk houdt.
Tegelijkertijd blijft het een ziekte die nog veel onderzoek nodig heeft, want de behandelingen zijn zeer beperkt en wonderoplossingen zijn broodnodig.
Help ons onderzoek naar kinderkanker te steunen en deze de wereld uit te stampen!
Suddenly, out of nowhere, we were confronted with the monster that is cancer. Surreal, unfair, indescribable.
Quickly, you learn that you are not alone, and that this affects many more children than you could ever imagine.
At the same time, it remains a disease that needs much more research, as treatments are very limited and miracle solutions are desperately needed.
Help us support research into childhood cancer and kick it from the world!
Soudain, sans prévenir, nous avons été confrontés au monstre qu'est le cancer. Irréel, injuste, indescriptible.
Rapidement, on apprend que l’on n’est pas seul et que cela touche bien plus d’enfants que l’on ne peut imaginer.
En même temps, c’est une maladie qui nécessite encore beaucoup de recherches, car les traitements sont très limités et des solutions miracles sont indispensables.
Aidez-nous à soutenir la recherche contre le cancer pédiatrique et à l’éradiquer du monde !
— Giovanni
We have a mission. A beautiful mission. We want to cure every child with cancer.
Find new treatments, improve existing ones, and kick children’s cancer to send it far, far away forever and may it never come back! We therefore financially support scientific research, and bring together the drive, inspiration and knowledge of everyone involved. From researchers, doctors and parents to politicians and pharmaceutical companies. Only a joint effort can ensure that children with cancer are cured and better cured.
Thanks to our generous sponsors, 100% of the funds raised by you will finance innovative research projects selected thanks to the European FIGHT KIDS CANCER initiative.
FIGHT KIDS CANCER is a European call for projects that we launched together with Imaginefor Margo (France) and Fondatioun Kriibskrank Kanner (Luxembourg).
Our second FIGHT KIDS CANCER call for projects lead to the selection, by independent international experts, of 5 new innovative research projects of European scope for a total amount of 3,45 million euros of which KickCancer will finance 800 000 €. Through these projects, we hope to foster improvements in the knowledge and treatment of the following diseases: B-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphomas (clinical trial), ewing's sarcomas (clinical trial), medulloblastomas (translational project), neuroblastomas (2 translational projects).
There is ONE EXTRA project we would love to tell you more about… but we need to raise more funds than initially planned. Are you in to help us reach one million euros to fund this mystery project?